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Woman in a Field

Our Services

We assist you in adapting to and embracing future market needs and opportunities across Australia and globally.

Working with a variety of individuals, businesses, producers, agtech, industry, R&D and education providers our services can be tailored to meet your needs and deliver relevant outcomes.


Our flexible approach enables you to adopt progressive, pragmatic, cost-effective and sustainable long-term solutions.

'People and the real problems, challenges and opportunities are at the heart of what we do'

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Development of an agriculture strategic plan through strong community engagement and consultation delivered a shared vision with tangible outcomes to sustainably progress the region’s agricultural prosperity.

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Sustainable Dairy Products –– lead consultant in development of online environment evaluation tool for dairy farmers, Learning and Development modules, extension materials and program delivery

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Strategic review and analysis of the School of Biosciences performance toward the University’s Indigenous Reconciliation Action Plan. This created a strategic plan across the broader Faculty of Science to strengthen Indigenous reconciliation and collaboration across the areas of employment, students and research.

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Strategic advisory for the establishing artisan cheese and specialty dairy education and training operation. Focused on advancing Australia’s fledgling industry The Cheese School offers small-class practical and theoretical professional artisan cheesemaking and related dairy product training.



Oversaw the development of India’s first Artisan Cheese Maker Qualification Pack to create an artisan cheese maker qualification and pathway within India’s national skill development and training framework. With the growing demand for specialty cheeses this will offer significant local employment and livelihood opportunities.

We offer tailored integrated services including the following:

Food & Agriculture

& Sustainability

& Community


Global Engagement

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Food & Agriculture 
  • Strategy 

  • Industry development 

  • Business advisory & planning - start-up, growing, consolidation, transition

  • Feasibility studies & business case development

  • Industry & stakeholder engagement & consultation

  • Research & Development (R&D) - advisory, brokering, review

  • Innovation and technology development - advisory, managing, navigation 

  • Environmental management and sustainability

  • Risk & issues management

  • Facilitation and tailored workshops

  • Project scoping, design, delivery, evaluation   

  • Financial analysis

  • Loss assessments

  • Farm business management

  • Succession & transition planning

  • Governance & advisory boards

  • Skill development, training and extension

  • People

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Development of an agriculture strategic plan through strong community engagement and consultation delivered a shared vision with tangible outcomes to sustainably progress the region’s agricultural prosperity.

Food & Agriculture
Environment & Sustainability
Environment & Sustainability
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  • Strategy

  • Facilitation, engagement and consultation

  • Research & Development (R&D) - advisory, facilitation, review 

  • Innovation and technology navigation and support

  • Environmental management and sustainability

  • Agricultural natural resource management 

  • Projects - scoping, design, delivery, evaluation

  • Business advisory, mentoring and coaching

  • Feasibility studies & business case development

  • Risk assessment and issues management

  • Governance & advisory boards 

  • People

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Sustainable Dairy Products –– lead consultant in development of online environment evaluation tool for dairy farmers, Learning and Development modules, extension materials and program delivery

Business & Community 
  • ​Strategy and business planning

  • Business advisory, consulting and coaching

  • Feasibility studies

  • Business case development 

  • Stakeholder engagement &/or consultation - industry, community, market

  • Research and Development (R&D) - advisory, facilitation, review

  • Navigating innovation & technology developments

  • Facilitation & workshops

  • Risk and issues management 

  • Projects - scoping, design, delivery, evaluation

  • Skill development and training

  • Governance & advisory boards 

  • People

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Strategic review and analysis of the School of Biosciences performance toward the University’s Indigenous Reconciliation Action Plan. This created a strategic plan across the broader Faculty of Science to strengthen Indigenous reconciliation and collaboration across the areas of employment, students and research.

Business & Community
Global Engagement
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  • Strategy, market intelligence, research, value chain mapping & insights

  • Engagement & facilitation - commercial, R&D and education opportunities

  • Tailored in-market support

  • Study tours & delegations​

  • Sustainable development & growth of agrifood value chains

  • Industry development & advisory

  • Rural community & livelihood development 

  • Skill development advisory & delivery 

Note. These services can be independent or coordinated with government




Oversaw the development of India’s first Artisan Cheese Maker Qualification Pack to create an artisan cheese maker qualification and pathway within India’s national skill development and training framework. With the growing demand for specialty cheeses this will offer significant local employment and livelihood opportunities.

Global Engagement
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  • Organisational culture

  • Organisational people mapping, analysis & planning

  • Leadership development

  • Team communication

  • Coaching – individuals, teams

  • Mentoring

  • Industry & work integrated learning

  • Skill development, training & extension

  • Tailored masterclasses and workshops

  • Media training & mentoring: social media,TV, radio

  • Governance & advisory boards 

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Strategic advisory for the establishing artisan cheese and specialty dairy education and training operation. Focused on advancing Australia’s fledgling industry The Cheese School offers small-class practical and theoretical professional artisan cheesemaking and related dairy product training.

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What Our Clients Say

“Deakin University’s Hycel engaged Brolga Co to deliver a feasibility report into the hydrogen opportunities for Australian dairy industries. The team delivered a detailed strategic piece with clear recommendations for next steps. The report was delivered on time and the team were a pleasure to work with”

Ailiche Goddard-Clegg, Communication & Engagement Coordinator, Hycel Technology Hub

On behalf of the Community Bank Board and staff I would like to thank you for conducting our Strategic Planning sessions and producing an excellent document which will set us in a positive direction over the next 3 years.

All participants enjoyed the process and gained a lot out of the experience. You were able to engage every-one in the discussions and decision making without creating any barriers between the most experienced and long serving members of the Board and the newest members of staff. Every-one felt comfortable being able to contribute and this was due to the friendly, relaxed and unimposing way you conducted the sessions.

The final outcomes have been accepted by the Board without any alteration and together with the staff, the Board is looking forward to the next stage of implementation.“

Pat Robertson, Chair, Cobden and District Community Finance Ltd (Bendigo Bank)

“Karensa completed a project for GRDC examining trends in pulse production in India. She spent time receiving background materials and used her local contacts in India and met with a range of industry participants across the chickpea production region for various sectors. She covered competing crops, new varieties, production constraints, monsoon rainfall, irrigation, trading, retailing and government run programs. Her report was thorough, timely and professional.”

Terence Farrell, Head of Economics, GRDC

“What I valued most when working with Karensa was her natural ability to be objective and see two sides to the issues I faced. She has great industry knowledge and, when needed, called on her networks to extend her knowledge and advice. Having her in my circle of networks going forward is a great bonus for me as a business operator.”

Monica Cavarsan, Business owner, Lard Ass Pty Ltd

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